For a Washington State Commission on Boys and Men to be established, the state legislature must pass a bill and the governor must sign it.
House Bill 1266 or Senate Bill 5446 needs to receive a public hearing in the House Committee on State Government and Tribal Relations or the Senate Committee on State Government, Tribal Affairs, & Elections, respectively, by February 21, 2025, or else the legislation will be ‘dead’ for the year.
We are continually building momentum and political support for the idea that everyone stands to benefit from the existence of a state commission tasked with improving the health and well-being of our boys, male youth, and men.
View our one-pager that explains the legislation: English | Spanish
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View the legislature’s landing pages for HB 1266 and SB 5446. || View the (identical) text of HB 1266 and SB 5446.
House Bill 1266 and Senate Bill 5446 call for the establishment of a Washington state commission on boys and men to produce policy recommendations focused on five areas:
1. Education & Skills
2. Mental & Physical Health
3. Fatherhood, Family, & Relationships
4. Jobs, Careers, & Financial Health
5. Experiences of Males in Court Systems
Get the facts (PDF) about how Washington’s boys and men are struggling.
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